Composer and arranger specialising in a capella work for community singing

Share Your Light

ID: SM-000213431
КомпозиторCat Kelly
Автор текста Cat Kelly
ИздательCat Kelly
Год создания 2014
Жанр Поп-музыка / Баллада
Инструменты Смешанный хор
Состав исполнителейХор
Тип нотВокальная партитура
Уровень сложности Средний уровень
Описание A festive song, written for the 2014 Christmas Light Festival in Oxford, for a performance by local community and school choirs. This arrangement is for a capella choir plus a solo line.

The theme of the song is the contrast between how Christmas is spent in the rich and the poor parts of society; thoughtful lyrics and textured harmonies lie with a rousing, uplifting chorus, which make this both a poignant and joyful piece to sing.

Copy and paste the URL below for a video of the initial performance - sung by five adult community choirs and six school choirs.
Дата публикации 31.10.2014


4.50 USD
PDF, 385.4 Кб (16 стр.)


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